STARS - 2015
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : Annie Ressouche, Safety in Middleware for Internet of Things, 10h, niveau (M2), Polytech Nice School of Nice University.

  • Jean-Paul Rigault is Full Professor of Computer Science at Polytech'Nice (University of Nice): courses on C++ (beginners and advanced), C, System Programming, Software Modeling.


  • PhD : Julien Badie, Optimizing process for tracking people in video-camera network, 17-11-2015, François Brémond.

  • PhD in progress : Auriane Gros, Evaluation and Specific Management of Emotionnal Disturbances with Activity Recognition Systems for Alzheimer patient, Sept 2014, François Brémond.

  • PhD in progress : Minh Khue Phan Tran, Man-machine interaction for older adults with dementia, May 2013, François Brémond.

  • PhD in progress : Michal Koperski, Detecting critical human activities using RGB/RGBD cameras in home environment, François Brémond.

  • PhD in progress : Thi Lan Anh Nguyen, Complex Activity Recognition from 3D sensors, Dec 2014, François Brémond.

  • PhD in progress : Ines Sarray, Activity Recognition System Design, Oct 2014, Sabine Moisan.

  • PhD in progress : Farood Negin, People detection for activity recognition using RGB-Depth sensors, Jan 2015, François Brémond.


François Brémond was jury member of the following PhD theses:

  • PhD, Dana Codreanu, Toulouse University, 21 May 2015.

  • PhD, Matthieu Rogez, Lyon University, LIRIS, Foxstream, 9 June 2015.

  • PhD, Cédric Le Barz, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Thales, 30 June 2015.

  • PhD, Owais Mehmood, School of centrale de Lille, IFSTTAR, 28th September 2015.

  • PhD, Geoffroy Cormier, Rennes University, ECAM Rennes Louis de Broglie, NeoTec-Vision, 10 Novembre 2014.

  • PhD Thi Khanh Hong Nguyen, Nice University - LEAT, 18 November 2015.

  • PhD Cyrille Beaudry, La Rochelle University, MIA, 26 November 2015.

  • PhD Arsène Fansi Tchango, Lorraine University, 4 December 2015.

  • PhD, Andrei Stoian, CNAM, Paris, 15 January 2016.